Covid-19 Information
We understand that our partners, contributors and participants will have questions regarding the impact of the ongoing pandemic and restrictions on the Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity, 7 – 16 February 2022.
We take this issue very seriously, and we have adapted the programme for the 2022 Festival with the pandemic in mind.
In Person Programme
Our in-person programme this year is made up of many workshops that have limited capacity and pre-booking is essential. Masks/face coverings are mandatory in some of our partner venues and recommended in others, and we support the wearing of face coverings by people delivering activities and participants. We ask that everyone delivering activities and participants complete lateral flow tests before attending events, and do not attend if they are feeling unwell. Our partner venues will ensure good ventilation in all spaces where workshops are taking place.
Schools Programme
We are working closely with schools to ensure that all guidance is followed, including everyone delivering activities completing a lateral flow test before entering the school and wearing masks where necessary. We have also programmed a series of online events that schools will be participating in remotely.
Events that are not in-person
We have planned the festival this year so that people across Nottinghamshire can engage with the festival remotely. This year’s television programme, The Curiosity Show, is based on last year’s Wollaton Watch, which was delivered during lockdown. We will be working closely with the Confetti and Notts TV team to ensure the set follows all Covid-19 guidance, including guest visitors to the programme. Viewers will be able to watch The Curiosity Show on Notts TV and online, Monday 7 – Friday 11 February, 4-5pm. We have also produced another Festival Magazine, which will be distributed through our networks across Nottinghamshire, including libraries, schools and foodbanks as well as being available online.
Questions, Feedback and Suggestions
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions for the team regarding Covid-19, please do get in touch. Contact [email protected].