Thomas Hawksley and the Beam Engine
Clifton Library Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham, United KingdomFind out about Thomas Hawksely, the Basford Beam Engine and Nottingham's engineering history with Nottingham Industrial Museum.
Find out about Thomas Hawksely, the Basford Beam Engine and Nottingham's engineering history with Nottingham Industrial Museum.
The pace of scientific discovery and innovation is accelerating all the time. How can we tell the difference between science fact and science fiction at a time of such astonishing research?
Join us for a special event all about the science of brewing!
A very special Nottingham Speakers' Club event, with all talks on the theme of 'Science and Curiosity'.
Join Pride in STEM as we celebrate LGBT+ history month by bringing you some of the brightest sparks Nottingham has to offer!
Join Peter Mitchell at the Horse and Jockey for a SciBar talk all about 'Mindreading and Interpersonal Attraction'.
Join Thorsten Allers at the Bread and Bitter for a SciBar talk all about 'Archaea and the Meaning of Life'.
We've teamed up with three Library Clubs across Nottingham to bring special science-related talks to new audiences. No prior science expertise necessary! We've all heard about self-driving cars, but how much do we really know? Are they the transport solution of the future? What are the impacts on drivers? How safe really are they?
What products are made from fungi? How can we improve their production? Join University of Nottingham researcher Paul Brett to find out about all things fungi!
Join Basford Library Club for a talk from Dr Amelia Fraser-McKelvie about discoveries from space exploration.
Like beer? Ever thought about the science behind how it's made? Or how it tastes? Find out the answers to all your burning questions!
Can we become addicted to the internet? Join local researchers to find out!
A Valentine's Day with a difference! Learn all about the heart and even watch a live heart dissection!
Discover more about the future of energy from the scientists leading the way in energy research right here in Nottingham!
Is Rudolf Steiner’s biodynamic system of agriculture the best way to farm cereals ecologically, or is it magic, alchemy, geomancy; and pseudoscience imposed on sensible, organic farming?
Join us as we discuss, explain and myth-bust some of the top science news stories from the last month!
Join Sherwood Library Club for a talk from Dr Emily McDonnell about flood risk management.
Clive Mitchell, geologist with the British Geological Survey, and author of ‘The Pebble Spotter’s Guide’, will take you on a stroll along a beach, picking out some pebbles and help identify what they are and how to collect them.
This talk is the story of the lunar landing delivered by Jez Turner, an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham. This lively, family event will feature a few surprises along the way and is designed to be enjoyed by adults and children together.
Join Collections Officer Anja Thompson-Rohde to find out how and why museums collect taxidermy specimens, and how we care for them once we’ve got them!